Cyber Crime Investigators
We do investigation in cyber crime cases or we also call them as e crime cases. Any sort of fake Id made to harm a person reputation, frauds in electronic money transfers, cyber security threats, sending threatening mails, email frauds, electronic financial frauds etc etc. We undertake investigation in all cases pertaining to the cyber law / crime. Our teams will investigate the e crime cases containing :
- Determination and generation of fake IDS to harm a reputation.
- Threatening Email.
- Frauds in electronic money transfer.
- Email / website hacking or email surveillance.
- Obscene Pornography or Offensive Content.
- Harassment
- Credit card Frauds
- Denial of service attack
- Software piracy
- IRC Crime
- Net Extortion
- Phishing
- Salami attack
- Any other case involving a crime through computer
We have a dedicated team of expert who are specialized in dealing in cyber crime cases. Shall be our please to assist you, whenever you may require our services.
M/S J. K. Consultancy
Vardhman Star Citi Mall,
321, LSC - III, Sector - 7,
Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075,
Mobile : 09810411824, 09868106032
E-mail :
Website :